Tuesday, May 19, 2020

My Project Is About World War I - 1123 Words

My project is about World War I. There wasn’t a single event that caused World War I. The War happened because of several different events that took place in the years building up to 1914. The war was between two powers, the Central Powers and the Allied Powers. The Central Powers were Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. The Allied Powers were Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy and Japan (the Allied Powers.) Germany had surrendered on November 11, 1918, and all of the nations had agreed to stop fighting while the terms of peace were made. On June 28, 1919, Germany and the Allied Nations which included Britain, France, Italy and Russia signed the Treaty of Versailles, ending the war. The war lasted from August 1, 1914 to November 11,†¦show more content†¦During the war some Southern newspapers said that Abraham Lincoln had observed a test of the flamethrower weapon. The first recorded use of hand-held flamethrowers in combat was on February 26, 1915. In the war, if your weapon ran out of ammo or your weapon broke you would have to find one on the battlefield. The German army was the first to use chlorine gas at the battle of Ypres in 1915. Chlorine gas causes a burning feeling in your throat and chest pains. The problem with chlorine gas is that the weather must be right. If the wind is in the wrong direction it could end up killing your own troops rather than the enemy. Mustard gas was the most deadly weapon used. It was fired into the trenches in shells. It has no color and takes 12 hours to take effect. Those gases are the enemies worst nightmares. There is a game called Battlefield 1 that I play the game is based off of WW1. While playing something I saw a cool looking blimp in the air and I wanted to know about it. Apparently it’s called a Zeppelin. The Zeppelin, also known as a blimp, was an airship that was used during the early part of the war in bombing raids by the Germans. They carried machine guns and bombs. However, they were abandoned because they were easy to shoot out of the sky. I got this definition from google. Of course in WW1 they used tanks. Tanks were used for the first time in the First World War at the Battle of the Somme. They were developed to cope with the conditions on theShow MoreRelatedReflection On The Cold War1110 Words   |  5 PagesCold War Project Reflection - Humanities 10 After World War II, the Cold War was another significant event that occurred in the 20th century, which had an dominant effect on many aspects in the American society. The United States and the Soviet Nation fought as allies during Word War II against the Nazi army, however, the relationship between the two unions were intense due to their different political perspectives. Soon after WWII, tensions between the U.S. and the USSR escalated; being the twoRead MoreThe Asian African Conference Of 19551250 Words   |  5 Pagesoft-eulogized birth place of the Third World. 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